Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Handtools MultiPro

Handtools MultiPro

Handtools MultiPro bergaransi Life-time, kualitas sangat bagus, teknologi Jerman, daya tahan pakai cukup lama, material sesuai dengan spesifikasinya, finishing sangat baik, harga lebih murah dari yang handtools yang se-level (Tekiro & Lippro), dan merk MultiPro sudah sangat dikenal seperti Compressor, Genset, Water Pump, Travo Las Inverter, Mesin Potong Rumput, High Washer Pressure, dll.

Berikut ini Daftar Harga Handtools MultiPro berteknologi Jerman:

Combination Wrench /Kunci Ring Pas
1 0-02030100006 Combination wrench 6mm (sunk panel)         18.725
2 0-02030100007 7mm (sunk panel)         18.725
3 0-02030100008 8mm (sunk panel)         20.600
4 0-02030100009 9mm (sunk panel)         20.600
5 0-02030100010 10mm (sunk panel)         20.600
6 0-02030100011 11 mm (sunk panel)         21.350
7 0-02030100012 12 mm (sunk panel)         23.600
8 0-02030100013 13 mm (sunk panel)         23.975
9 0-02030100014 14 mm (sunk panel)         25.100
10 0-02030100015 15 mm (sunk panel)         27.350
11 0-02030100016 16 mm (sunk panel)         28.850
12 0-02030100017 17 mm (sunk panel)         31.100
13 0-02030100018 18 mm (sunk panel)         34.100
14 0-02030100019 19 mm (sunk panel)         34.850
15 0-02030100020 20 mm (sunk panel)         39.350
16 0-02030100021 21 mm (sunk panel)         42.350
17 0-02030100022 22 mm (sunk panel)         47.600
18 0-02030100023 23 mm (sunk panel)         56.600
19 0-02030100024 24 mm (sunk panel)         58.100
20 0-02030100025 25 mm (sunk panel)         75.350
21 0-02030100026 26 mm (sunk panel)         78.350
22 0-02030100027 27 mm (sunk panel)         79.850
23 0-02030100028 28 mm (sunk panel)         82.850
24 0-02030100029 29 mm (sunk panel)         85.100
25 0-02030100030 30 mm (sunk panel)       100.100
26 0-02030100032 32 mm (sunk panel)       112.100

Boxes End 45˚ Wrench / Kunci Ring 45˚
27 0-02050100607 Boxes End 45˚wrench 06x07 mm         20.225
28 0-02050100809 08x09 mm         22.475
29 0-02050100810 08x10 mm         22.475
30 0-02050101011 10x11 mm         24.725
31 0-02050101012 10x12 mm          24.725
32 0-02050101213 12x13 mm         29.225
33 0-02050101214 12x14 mm         29.225
34 0-02050101415 14x15 mm         34.100
35 0-02050101417 14x17 mm         34.100
36 0-02050101617 16x17 mm         40.475
37 0-02050101719 17x19 mm         42.725
38 0-02050101819 18x19 mm         42.725
39 0-02050101921 19x21 mm         52.850
40 0-02050102022 20x22 mm          52.850
41 0-02050102123 21x23 mm          58.850
42 0-02050102224 22x24 mm         58.850
43 0-02050102426 24x26 mm          75.350
44 0-02050102528 25x28 mm          92.600
45 0-02050103032 30x32 mm       104.600

Double Open End Wrench / Kunci Pas 
46 0-02040100607 Double open end wrench 06x07 mm         17.975
47 0-02040100809 08x09 mm          18.725
48 0-02040100810 08x10 mm         18.725
49 0-02040101011 10x11 mm         20.600
50 0-02040101012 10x12 mm          20.600
51 0-02040101213 12x13 mm         22.850
52 0-02040101214 12x14 mm         22.850
53 0-02040101415 14x15 mm         26.600
54 0-02040101417 14x17 mm         26.600
55 0-02040101617 16x17 mm         31.100
56 0-02040101719 17x19 mm         34.100
57 0-02040101819 18x19 mm         34.100
58 0-02040101922 19x22 mm         40.850
59 0-02040102022 20x22 mm          40.850
60 0-02040102123 21x23 mm          47.975
61 0-02040102224 22x24 mm         47.975
62 0-02040102427 24x27 mm          61.850
63 0-02040102528 25x28 mm          78.350
64 0-02040103032 30x32 mm         89.600

Boxes End 75˚ Wrench / Kunci Ring 75˚
65 0-02060100607 Boxes end 75˚wrench  06x07 mm         22.100
66 0-02060100809 08x09 mm          25.100
67 0-02060100810 08x10 mm         25.100
68 0-02060101011 10x11 mm         28.100
69 0-02060101012 10x12 mm          28.100
70 0-02060101213 12x13 mm         32.975
71 0-02060101214 12x14 mm         32.975
72 0-02060101415 14x15 mm         39.350
73 0-02060101417 14x17 mm         39.350
74 0-02060101617 16x17 mm         46.100
75 0-02060101719 17x19 mm         48.350
76 0-02060101819 18x19 mm         48.350
77 0-02060101921 19x21 mm         58.100
78 0-02060102022 20x22 mm          58.100
79 0-02060102123 21x23 mm          67.100
80 0-02060102224 22x24 mm         67.100
81 0-02060102426 24x26 mm          85.850
82 0-02060102528 25x28 mm        103.850
83 0-02060103032 30x32 mm       118.850

Combination Wrench Set / Kunci Ring Pas Set
84 0-09010124011 Combination wrench set Set 11 pcs (mm)       277.475
85 0-09010124014 Set 14 pcs (8-24) (mm)       368.600
86 0-09010132014 Set 14 pcs (8-32) (mm)       551.225

Double Open End Wrench Set / Kunci Pas Set
87 0-09020101008 Double open end wrench set   set 8 pcs (mm)       202.100
88 0-09020101012  Set 12 pcs (mm)       433.100

Boxes End Wrench Set / Kunci Ring Set 
89 0-09030101008 Boxes end wrench set set 8pcs 45˚(mm)       260.600
90 0-09040101008 set 8pcs 75˚(mm)       299.600
91 0-09040101012 set 12pcs 75˚(mm)       590.600

Hand Socket 3/4" / Kunci Socket 3/4"
92 0-06010634019 Hand socket 3/4" DR 6 PT (19 mm)         42.350
93 0-06010634021 (21 mm)         42.350
94 0-06010634022 (22 mm)         42.350
95 0-06010634024 (24 mm)         43.850
96 0-06010634026 (26 mm)         46.100
97 0-06010634027 (27 mm)         46.100
98 0-06010634028 (28 mm)         52.100
99 0-06010634030 (30 mm)         53.600
100 0-06010634032 (32 mm)         60.350
101 0-06010634033 (33 mm)         62.600
102 0-06010634034 (34 mm)         62.600
103 0-06010634036 (36 mm)         69.350
104 0-06010634038 (38 mm)         76.850
105 0-06010634041 (41 mm)         82.100
106 0-06010634046 (46 mm)       112.100
107 0-06010634050 (50 mm)       133.100

Hand Socket 1/2" DR 6PT /Kunci Socket 1/2" DR 6PT
108 0-06010612008 Hand socket 1/2" DR 6PT   (08mm)         11.600
109 0-06010612009 (09mm)         11.600
110 0-06010612010 (10mm)         11.600
111 0-06010612011 (11mm)         11.600
112 0-06010612012 (12mm)         11.600
113 0-06010612013  (13mm)         11.600
114 0-06010612014 (14mm)         12.350
115 0-06010612015  (15mm)         12.350
116 0-06010612016 (16mm)         13.850
117 0-06010612017 (17mm)         15.350
118 0-06010612018 (18mm)         16.100
119 0-06010612019 (19mm)         16.100
120 0-06010612020 (20mm)         18.350
121 0-06010612021 (21mm)         18.350
122 0-06010612022 (22mm)         22.100
123 0-06010612023 (23mm)         24.350
124 0-06010612024 (24mm)         27.350
125 0-06010612025 (25mm)         30.350
126 0-06010612026 (26mm)         30.350
127 0-06010612027 (27mm)         30.350
128 0-06010612028 (28mm)         33.350
129 0-06010612030 (30mm)         35.600
130 0-06010612032 (32mm)         38.600
131 0-06011212008 Hand socket 1/2" DR 12PT  (08mm)         11.600
132 0-06011212009 (09mm)         11.600
133 0-06011212010 (10mm)         11.600
134 0-06011212011 (11mm)         11.600
135 0-06011212012 (12mm)         11.600
136 0-06011212013 (13mm)         11.600
137 0-06011212014 (14mm)         12.350
138 0-06011212015 (15mm)         12.350
139 0-06011212016 (16mm)         13.850
140 0-06011212017 (17mm)         15.350
141 0-06011212018 (18mm)         16.100
142 0-06011212019 (19mm)         16.100
143 0-06011212020 (20mm)         18.350
144 0-06011212021 (21mm)         18.350
145 0-06011212022 (22mm)         22.100
146 0-06011212023 (23mm)         24.350
147 0-06011212024 (24mm)         27.350
148 0-06011212025 (25mm)         30.350
149 0-06011212026 Hand socket 1/2" DR 12PT (26mm)         30.350
150 0-06011212027 (27mm)         30.350
151 0-06011212028 (28mm)         33.350
152 0-06011212030 (30mm)         35.600
153 0-06011212032 (32mm)         38.600

Rachet Handle 1/2" x 10" / Kunci Rachet
154 0-08050012010 Rachet handle Rachet handle 1/2" x 10"       115.850
155 0-08050034020 Rachet handle 3/4" x 20"       460.850

Universal Joint 1/2" 
156 0-08070012000 Universal joint   1/2"         46.850
157 0-08070038000  3/8"         23.600

Adaptor 1/2F X3/ Adaptor Kunci Socket
158 0-08010001238 Shock Adaptor  1/2F X3/8mm         27.350
159 0-08010003812 3/8FX1/2mm         25.850
160 0-08010003412 3/4F X 1/2mm         30.350

Offset Handle  / Kunci Offset 
161 0-08030012010 Offset handle 1/2" X 10"         40.850
162 0-08030034020 3/4" X 20"       129.350

Flexible Handle / Kunci Fleksibel
163 0-08040012015 Flexible Handle   1/2" X 15"       100.850

Spark Plug 1/2" DR / Kunci Busi 
164 0-08080012016 Spark Plug   1/2" DR x 16mm         22.100
165 0-08080012021  1/2" DR x 21mm         22.100

Sliding T-bar / Batang T Sliding
166 0-08060012010 Sliding T-Bar  1/2 X 10"         46.850
167 0-08060034020 3/4 X 20"       150.350


 Ektension Bar / Sambungan Kunci Soket
168 0-08020012003 Extension Bar 1/2" DR X 3"         24.350
169 0-08020012005 1/2" DR X 5"         27.350
170 0-08020012010 1/2" DR X 10"         40.850
171 0-08020034004 3/4" DR X 4"         70.850
172 0-08020034008 3/4" DR X 8"         90.350
173 0-08020034016 3/4" DR X 16"       161.600

Socket Set 11 Pcs 1/2" / Kunci Socket Set 11 Pcs 1/2"
174 0-07010612011 Socket set 11pcs   1/2" DR 6PT 8-32 mm       181.850
175 0-07011212011  1/2" DR 12PT 8-32 mm       181.850

Socket Set 17pcs 1/2" / Kunci Socket Set 17 pcs
176 0-07010612017 Socket set 17pcs  1/2" DR 6PT 8-24 mm       400.850
177 0-07011212017  1/2" DR 12PT 8-24 mm       400.850

Socket Set 24 pcs 1/2" / Kunci Socket Set 24 pcs 1/2"
178 0-07010612024 Socket set 24 pcs  1/2" DR 6 PT       550.850
179 0-07011212024  1/2" DR 12 PT        550.850

T-type Socket Black / Kunci T Hitam
183 0-06030201007 T-type socket black (7 mm)         22.100
184 0-06030201008 (8 mm)         22.100
185 0-06030201009 (9 mm)         22.100
186 0-06030201010 (10 mm)         22.100
187 0-06030201011 (11 mm)         22.100
188 0-06030201012 (12 mm)         22.100
189 0-06030201013 (13 mm)         22.100
190 0-06030201014 (14 mm)         22.100
191 0-06030201017 (17 mm)         25.850
192 0-06030201019 (19 mm)         25.850

Y-type Socket (Long) Black / Kunci Y Panjang Hitam
193 0-06040201890 Y-type socket (long) black  8x9x10 mm         26.600
194 0-06040201802 8x10x12 mm         26.600
195 0-06040201013 10x11x13 mm         26.600
196 0-06040201024 10x12x14 mm         26.600
197 0-06040201247 12x14x17 mm         28.850

T-type Socket Dipped Handle / Kunci T dengan Handle
198 0-06030101008 T-type socket dipped handle   (8 mm)         24.350
199 0-06030101010 (10 mm)         24.350
200 0-06030101011 (11 mm)         24.350
201 0-06030101012 (12 mm)         24.350
202 0-06030101013 (13 mm)         24.350
203 0-06030101014 (14 mm)         24.350
204 0-06030101017 (17 mm)         29.600
205 0-06030101019 (19 mm)         29.600

Diagonal Cutting Plier / Tang Potong
180 0-01010100006 Diagonal cutting plier  160mm/6"         28.850
181 0-01010100008  200mm/8"         38.600

Diagonal Cutting Plier (H) / Tang Potong
182 0-01010101006 Diagonal cutting plier (H)  6"         28.475
183 0-01010101008 8"         37.100

Combination Plier / Tang Kombinasi
184 0-01010300007 Combination plier 7''         34.850
185 0-01010300008 8''         39.350

Combination Plier (H) / Tang Kombinasi
186 0-01010301007 Combination plier (H)   7"         33.350
187 0-01010301008  8"         37.850

Long Nose Plier / Tang Lancip
188 0-01010200006 Long nose plier  160MM/6''         28.850
189 0-01010200008  200MM/8''         38.600

Long Nose Plier (H) / Tang Lancip
190 0-01010201006 Long nose plier (H)  6"         28.475
191 0-01010201008 8"         37.100

Snap Ring Plier External Bent / Tang Snap Ring Bengkok Keluar
192 0-01030200005 Snap ring plier external bent  5"         28.850
193 0-01030200007 7"         37.100
194 0-01030200009 9"         52.100

Snap Ring Plier Internal Straight /Tang Snap Ring Lurus
195 0-01030300005 Snap ring plier internal straight   5"         28.850
196 0-01030300007  7"         37.100
197 0-01030300009  9"         52.100

Snap Ring Plier External Straight / Tang Snap Ring Lurus
198 0-01030400005 Snap ring plier external straight  5"         28.850
199 0-01030400007  7"         37.100
200 0-01030400009  9"         52.100

Snap Ring Plier Internal Bent / Tang Snap Ring Bengkok
201 0-01030100005 Snap ring plier internal bent  5"         28.850
202 0-01030100007  7"         37.100
203 0-01030100009  9"         52.100

Slip Joint Plier / Tang Slip Joint
198 0-01050000006 Slip joint plier   6"         32.225
199 0-01050000008  8"         35.225

Water Pump Plier / Kunci Pipa
206 0-01040000010 Water pump plier   10"         50.225
207 0-01040000012  12"         65.975

Locking Plier Straight Jaw / Tang Buaya Lurus
233 0-01020200007 Locking plier straight jaw  190mm/7"         46.850
234 0-01020200010  240mm/10"         54.350

Locking Plier Curved Jaw / Tang Buaya Bengkok
266 0-01020101007 Locking plier curved jaw   190mm/7"         51.350
267 0-01020101010  240mm/10"         59.600

Locking Plier Straight Jaw / Tang Buaya Lurus (CS)
233 0-01020200007 Locking plier straight jaw (CS)  190mm/7"
234 0-01020200010  240mm/10"         38.975

Locking Plier Curved Jaw / Tang Buaya Bengkok (CS)
266 0-01020101007 Locking plier curved jaw (CS)  190mm/7"
267 0-01020101010  240mm/10"         38.975

Aviation Snips / Gunting Seng
204 0-04010100010 Aviation snips  10" R         46.850
205 0-04010200010 10" L         46.850
206 0-04010300010 10" S         46.850

Adjustable Wrench / Kunci Inggris
207 0-02020100006 Adjustable wrench  150MM/6''         31.850
208 0-02020100008  200MM/8''         40.850
209 0-02020100010  250MM/10''         55.100
210 0-02020100012  300MM/12''         73.850
211 0-02020100015  375MM/15''       147.350
212 0-02020100018  450MM/18''       280.850
213 0-02020100024  600MM/24''       460.850
Adjustable Wrench Chrome (H)
214 0-02020200006 Adjustable wrench chrome (H) 6"         33.350
215 0-02020200008 8"         42.350
216 0-02020200010 10"         56.600
217 0-02020200012 12"         76.100
218 0-02020200015 15"       150.350
219 0-02020200018 18"       288.350
220 0-02020200024 24"       468.350

Adjustable Wrench Black Nickle / Kunci Inggris Hitam 
221 0-02020300006 Adjustable wrench black nickle (H)   6"         36.350
222 0-02020300008  8"         45.350
223 0-02020300010  10"         61.100
224 0-02020300012  12"         81.350
225 0-02020300015  15"       165.350
226 0-02020300018  18"       295.850
227 0-02020300024  24"       487.850

Flare Nut Wrench / Kunci Naple 
228 0-02080100810 Flare nut wrench 08X10MM         23.225
229 0-02080101012 10X12MM         25.850
230 0-02080101214 12X14MM         30.350
231 0-02080101417 14X17MM         35.600

4 Way Cross Wrench / Kunci Palang
232 0-02100100014 4 Way cross wrench  17x19x21x23 mm         67.100

Heavy Duty Pipe Wrench / Kunci Pipa 
235 0-02010100008 Heavy duty pipe wrench  200mm/8"         37.100
259 0-02010100010 250mm/10"         41.600
260 0-02010100012 300mm/12"         50.600
261 0-02010100014 355mm/14"         61.850
262 0-02010100018 450mm/18"         87.350
263 0-02010100024 600mm/24"       121.850

L-type Wheel Nut Wrench / Kunci Roda
264 0-02110100019 L-type wheel nut wrench 19 mm         37.100
265 0-02110100021 21 mm         37.100

Hex Key Long / Kunci L
268 0-02070101105 Hex key long  01.5 mm            5.600
269 0-02070101002 02 mm            5.600
270 0-02070101205 02.5 mm            6.350
271 0-02070101003 03 mm            6.725
272 0-02070101004 04 mm            7.475
273 0-02070101005 05 mm            8.975
274 0-02070101006 06 mm         10.850
275 0-02070101008 08 mm         16.100
276 0-02070101010 10mm         22.100
277 0-02070101012 12 mm         30.350
278 0-02070101014 14 mm         42.350
279 0-02070101017 17 mm         63.350
280 0-02070101019 19mm         81.350
281 0-02070201105 Hex key short 01.5 mm            4.775
282 0-02070201002 0.2 mm            4.775
283 0-02070201205 02.5 mm            5.075
284 0-02070201003 03 mm            5.450
285 0-02070201305 03.5 mm            5.825
286 0-02070201004 04 mm            5.825
287 0-02070201405 04.5 mm            6.500
288 0-02070201005 05 mm            6.500
289 0-02070201505 05.5 mm            7.625
290 0-02070201006  06 mm            8.300
291 0-02070201605 06.5 mm            9.725
292 0-02070201008 08 mm         11.225
293 0-02070201010 10 mm         18.350

294 0-02070201012 Hex key short 12 mm         24.725
295 0-02070201014 14 mm         34.850
296 0-02070201017 17 mm         50.600
297 0-02070201019 19 mm         73.100

Hex Key Set 9 pcs / Kunci L Set 9 pcs
304 0-09050201009 Hex key set 9 pcs mm   (short)         40.100
303 0-09050101009  (long)         57.350

Hex Key Ballpoint Set 9pcs mm / Kunci L Set Ballpoint Set 9 pcs
310 0-09050202009 Hex key ballpoint set 9pcs mm   (short)         43.850
309 0-09050102009  (long)         64.100

Claw Hammer / Palu Kambing
305 0-03010100008 Claw hammer   8 oz         46.100
306 0-03010100012  12 oz         52.475
307 0-03010100016  16 oz         59.600

Ballpoint Hammer / Palu Konde
298 0-03010200008 Ballpoint hammer  8 oz         43.850
299 0-03010200016 16 oz         58.475
300 0-03010200024 24 oz         73.100
301 0-03010200032 32 oz         85.100

Hand Riveter Heavy Duty 10"
308 0-05010200010 Hand riveter heavy duty  10"         46.100

Hand Riveter Japan Type 
302 0-05010100010 Hand riveter japan type         78.350

Hand Riveter 360 Degree
324 0-05010300010 Hand riveter 360 degree       172.850

Two Jaw Puller / Tracker Kaki Dua
325 0-11050200003 Two jaw puller  3"         54.350
326 0-11050200004 4"         73.850
327 0-11050200006 6"       115.850
328 0-11050200008 8"       205.100
329 0-11050200010 10"       393.350
330 0-11050200012  12"       453.350

Three Jaw Ppuller / Tracker Kaki Tiga
316 0-11050300003 Three jaw puller  3"         67.100
317 0-11050300004  4"         80.600
318 0-11050300006  6"       132.350
319 0-11050300008  8"       249.350
320 0-11050300010 10"       528.350
321 0-11050300012  12"       640.850

Oil Filter Wrench (Chain Type) / Kunci Filter Oli (Rantai)
331 0-02090100006 Oil filter wrench ( chain type ) 6"         51.350
332 0-02090100009 ( chain type ) 9"         67.850

Oil Filter Wrench (Belt Type) 9" / Kunci Filter Oli ( Belt )
344 0-02090200009 Oil filter wrench  (belt type) 9"         66.350

Hand Grease Gun 100 cc
343 0-11010100100 Hand Grease gun  100 cc         64.850

Hand Grease Gun 500 cc
348 0-11010200500 Hand Grease gun 500 cc       120.350

Oil Suction Gun 500cc / Pompa Oli Gemuk
361 0-11020200500 Oil Suction Gun  500cc         75.350

Hand Grease Gun Soft Pipe with Nozzle / Selang Nozzle
363 0-11030200500 Hand grease gun soft pipe with nozzle         19.475

Magnet puller 
345 0-11040100003 Magnet puller  #3         45.725
346 0-11040100004  #4         45.725
347 0-11040100009  #9       112.100
349 0-11080000013 Puller gauge 13         22.100

Double Crown Socket / Kunci Mahkota
350 0-06020002630 Double crown socket          31.100

Floor Jack / Dongkrak Buaya
362 0-10020100002 Floor Jack   2 Ton       343.850
364 0-10020300002  2 Ton 360       423.350
365 0-10020400003  3 ton with foot pump    1.428.350

Bottle Jack / Dongkrak Botol
366 0-10010200002 Bottle jack  2 ton       138.350
367 0-10010200004 4 ton       177.350
368 0-10010200006 6 ton       220.850
369 0-10010200010 10 ton       277.850
370 0-10010200015 15 ton       419.600
371 0-10010200020 20 ton       513.350
372 0-10010200030 30 ton    1.087.850
373 0-10010200050 50 ton    1.510.850
374 0-10010200100 100 ton    5.086.850

Jack Stand 
375 0-10030200003 Jack stand  3 ton       288.350
376 0-10030200004 6 ton       565.850

Inline Screwdriver / Obeng Inline
377 0-12010125050 Inline screwdriver   (philips (+) 2.5x50mm (-)/(+) ph00         10.475
378 0-12010125075  (philips (+) 2.5x75mm (-)/(+) ph00         11.225
379 0-12010125100  (philips (+) 2.5x100mm (-)/(+) ph00         11.225
380 0-12010132075  (philips)3.2x75mm (-)/(+)PH0         10.475
381 0-12010132100  (philips)3.2x100mm (-)/(+)PH0         10.475
382 0-12010132150  (philips)3.2x150mm (-)/(+)PH0         12.725
383 0-12010132200  (philips)3.2x200mm (-)/(+)PH0         13.850
384 0-12010104100  (philips)4x100mm (-)/(+)PH0         11.975
385 0-12010104125  (philips)4x125mm (-)/(+)PH0         12.725
386 0-12010104150  (philips)4x150mm (-)/(+)PH0         13.850
387 0-12010104200  (philips)4x200mm (-)/(+)PH0         16.100
388 0-12010104250  (philips)4x250mm (-)/(+)PH0         16.850
389 0-12010105075  (philips)5x75mm (-)/(+)PH1         13.475
390 0-12010105100  (philips)5x100mm (-)/(+)PH1         13.850
391 0-12010105125  (philips)5x125mm (-)/(+)PH1         14.600
392 0-12010105150  (philips)5x150mm (-)/(+)PH1         16.100
393 0-12010105200  (philips)5x200mm (-)/(+)PH1         16.850
394 0-12010105250  (philips)5x250mm (-)/(+)PH1         19.100
395 0-12010105300  (philips)5x300mm (-)/(+)PH1         19.850
396 0-12010106038  (philips)6x38mm (-)/(+)PH2         13.475
397 0-12010106100  (philips)6x100mm (-)/(+)PH2         13.850
398 0-12010106125  (philips)6x125mm (-)/(+)PH2         15.350
399 0-12010106150  (philips)6x150mm (-)/(+)PH2         16.850
400 0-12010106200  (philips)6x200mm (-)/(+)PH2         19.100
401 0-12010106250  (philips)6x250mm (-)/(+)PH2         20.600

402 0-12010106300 Inline screwdriver   (philips)6x300mm (-)/(+)PH2         22.850
403 0-12010108150  (philips)8x150mm (-)/(+)PH3         23.225
404 0-12010108200  (philips)8x200mm (-)/(+)PH3         24.725
405 0-12010108250  (philips)8x250mm (-)/(+)PH3         28.100
406 0-12010108300  (philips)8x300mm (-)/(+)PH3         31.100
407 0-12010225050  (slotted) (+) 2.5x50mm (-)/(+) ph00         10.475
408 0-12010225075  (slotted) (+) 2.5x75mm (-)/(+) ph00         11.225
409 0-12010225100  (slotted (+) 2.5x100mm (-)/(+) ph00         11.225
410 0-12010232075  (slotted))3.2x75mm (-)/(+)PH0         10.475
411 0-12010232100  (slotted)3.2x100mm (-)/(+)PH0         10.475
412 0-12010232150  (slotted)3.2x150mm (-)/(+)PH0         12.725
413 0-12010232200  (slotted)3.2x200mm (-)/(+)PH0         13.850
414 0-12010204100  (slotted)4x100mm (-)/(+)PH0         11.975
415 0-12010204125  (slotted)4x125mm (-)/(+)PH0         12.725
416 0-12010204150  (slotted)4x150mm (-)/(+)PH0         13.850
417 0-12010204200 (slotted)4x200mm (-)/(+)PH0         16.100
418 0-12010204250 (slotted)4x250mm (-)/(+)PH0         16.850
419 0-12010205075  (slotted)5x75mm (-)/(+)PH1         13.475
420 0-12010205100 (slotted)5x100mm (-)/(+)PH1         13.850
421 0-12010205125  (slotted)5x125mm (-)/(+)PH1         14.600
422 0-12010205150  (slotted)5x150mm (-)/(+)PH1         16.100
423 0-12010205200  (slotted)5x200mm (-)/(+)PH1         16.850
424 0-12010205250  (slotted)5x250mm (-)/(+)PH1         19.100
425 0-12010205300  (slotted)5x300mm (-)/(+)PH1         19.850
426 0-12010206038  (slotted)6x38mm (-)/(+)PH2         13.475
427 0-12010206100 (slotted)6x100mm (-)/(+)PH2         13.850
428 0-12010206125 (slotted)6x125mm (-)/(+)PH2         15.350
429 0-12010206150 (slotted)6x150mm (-)/(+)PH2         16.850
430 0-12010206200 (slotted)6x200mm (-)/(+)PH2         19.100
431 0-12010206250 (slotted)6x250mm (-)/(+)PH2         20.600
432 0-12010206300 (slotted)6x300mm (-)/(+)PH2         22.850
433 0-12010208150 (slotted)8x150mm (-)/(+)PH3         23.225
434 0-12010208200 (slotted)8x200mm (-)/(+)PH3         24.725
435 0-12010208250  (slotted)8x250mm (-)/(+)PH3         28.100
436 0-12010208300 (slotted)8x300mm (-)/(+)PH3         31.100
437 0-12020105075 Go-thru screwdriver  / Obeng Ketok Lunak Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)5x75 PH1         14.600
438 0-12020106100 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x100 PH2         15.350
439 0-12020106125 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x125 PH2         16.100
440 0-12020106150 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x150 PH2         17.225
441 0-12020106200 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x200 PH2         18.725
442 0-12020106250 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x250 PH2         19.850
443 0-12020106300 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x300 PH2         21.350
444 0-12020108150 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x150 PH3         23.600
445 0-12020108200 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x200 PH3         25.850
446 0-12020108250 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x250 PH3         27.350
447 0-12020108300 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x300 PH3         30.350
448 0-12020205075 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)5x75 PH1         14.600
449 0-12020206100 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x100 PH2         15.350
450 0-12020206125 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x125 PH2         16.100
451 0-12020206150 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x150 PH2         17.225
452 0-12020206200 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x200 PH2         18.725
453 0-12020206250 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x250 PH2         19.850
454 0-12020206300 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)6x300 PH2         21.350
455 0-12020208150 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x150 PH3         23.600
456 0-12020208200 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x200 PH3         25.850
457 0-12020208250 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x250 PH3         27.350
458 0-12020208300 Go-thru screwdriver (-)/(+)8x300 PH3         30.350
459 0-13080202007 7 pcs Go-thru screwdriver set        100.850

Impact Driver / Obeng Ketok Angin
461 0-13110301011 Impact driver set   11pcs set       179.600
462 0-13110301013  13pcs set       145.850
463 0-13110301005  5 pcs set       123.350
465 0-13120301002 Impact driver bit 6 PCS  set PH2         37.100
466 0-13120301003  set PH3         37.100
467 0-13120301004  set FLAT         37.100

Tpr Screwdriver / Obeng Gagang Karet
460 0-13100202007 7 pcs Electrian screwdriver set       183.350
464 0-13090202007 7 pcs Tpr screwdriver set        130.850
468 0-12030103150 Tpr screwdriver   philips 3x150(-)/(+)PH0         16.850
469 0-12030103200  philips 3x200(-)/(+)PH0         17.600
470 0-12030104100  philips 4x100-)/(+)PH0         15.350
471 0-12030104150  philips 4x150-)/(+)PH0         16.850
472 0-12030104200  philips 4x200-)/(+)PH0         19.100
473 0-12030105075  philips 5x75(-)/(+)PH1         17.600
474 0-12030105100  philips 5x100(-)/(+)PH1         18.350
475 0-12030105125  philips 5x125(-)/(+)PH1         18.350
476 0-12030105150  philips 5x150(-)/(+)PH1         19.100
477 0-12030106038  philips 6x38(-)/(+)PH2         18.350
478 0-12030106100  philips 6x100(-)/(+)PH2         19.850
479 0-12030106125  philips 6x125(-)/(+)PH2         20.600
hand tool logo-02.jpg

480 0-12030106150 Tpr screwdriver   philips 6x150(-)/(+)PH2         22.100
481 0-12030106200  philips 6x200(-)/(+)PH2         25.850
482 0-12030106250  philips 6x250(-)/(+)PH2         28.100
483 0-12030106300  philips 6x300(-)/(+)PH2         31.100
484 0-12030203150  slotted 3x150(-)/(+)PH0         16.850
485 0-12030203200  slotted 3x200(-)/(+)PH0         17.600
486 0-12030204100  slotted 4x100-)/(+)PH0         15.350
487 0-12030204150  slotted 4x150-)/(+)PH0         16.850
488 0-12030204200  slotted 4x200-)/(+)PH0         19.100
489 0-12030205075  slotted 5x75(-)/(+)PH1         17.600
490 0-12030205100  slotted 5x100(-)/(+)PH1         18.350
491 0-12030205125  slotted 5x125(-)/(+)PH1         18.350
492 0-12030205150  slotted 5x150(-)/(+)PH1         19.100
493 0-12030206038  slotted 6x38(-)/(+)PH2         18.350
494 0-12030206100  slotted 6x100(-)/(+)PH2         19.850
495 0-12030206125  slotted 6x125(-)/(+)PH2         20.600
496 0-12030206150  slotted 6x150(-)/(+)PH2         22.100
497 0-12030206200  slotted 6x200(-)/(+)PH2         25.850
498 0-12030206250  slotted 6x250(-)/(+)PH2         28.100
499 0-12030206300  slotted 6x300(-)/(+)PH2         31.100

Tool Box / Kotak Perkakas
503 0-14020300528 Metal tool box (portable)  T-410       138.350
504 0-14020300325 T-350       118.850

Screwdriver Set / Obeng Set
509 0-13010101002 Screwdriver Set 4-in-1 Dual-purpose         38.600
510 0-13030101011 11 pcs Precision         78.350
511 0-13050101006 6 pcs Precision         85.850
512 0-13070101030 30 pcs Precision         84.725
513 0-13020101002 2 Way Screwdriver         27.350
514 0-13060101006 12-in-1 Precision         61.850

Rim Crow Bar / Congkelan Ban
515 0-11090000010 Rim crow bar 10"         36.725
516 0-11090000012 12"         44.600

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Dan yang terakhir, Jasa Ekspedisi untuk Agan yang berdomisili di luar Jakarta diisi dengan nama Ekspedisi yang biasa Agan gunakan jika kirim barang dari Jakarta. Agar biaya kirim lebih murah dan cepat sampai tujuan. Jangan lupa klau bisa disertai nomor telepon Ekspedisi dan alamatnya. Tapi kalau tidak ada tidak apa-apa nanti saya bantu carikan Ekspedisi yang murah dan cepat sampai ke lokasi Agan.

 Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan pesanannya Gan...!

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